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Introduction to the Planning and Implementation Guide for Second Chance Act Grantees 2012
Introduction to the Planning and Implementation Guide for 2014 SCA Juvenile Reentry Grantees
Orientation and Grant Management Webinar for 2012 Second Chance Act Grantees
Second Chance Act Grantee Orientation and Grant Management
2016 Orientation for Second Chance Act Technology Career Program Grantees
A Second Chance
Grant Management Orientation for FY 2014 Second Chance Act Grantees Serving Adults
2017 Second Chance Act Orientation for Co-occurring Substance Use and Mental Disorders Grantees
Second Chance Act - Applying for Juvenile Demonstration Grants
Responding to the 2015 SCA Statewide Recidivism Reduction (SRR) Solicitation
Responding to the 2018 Second Chance Act Innovations in Supervision Initiative Solicitation
(JMHCP) 2012 Technical Assistance Orientation Webinar